Holly Trout - Guestbook

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Jack Thomas2020-03-02 16:13:34
I still can’t believe this. So sad. A lot of great laughs and memories. Gonna miss ya girl WMJ
Debbie Brown2020-03-07 10:51:28
Rest in Peace Holly. Prayers for Dad and family during this difficult time. You are in our prayers. Love Danny,Debbie,and Michael Brown.
Becky Milliron2020-03-15 13:18:29
I just learned of Holly’s passing and am sooo very sad. My sister and I visited with her many times at the Carlisle Inn at Berlin. She was a very dear lady. May God be with you all.
Dan & Holly Allen2020-03-23 19:23:25
To Holly’s family, our deepest condolences. My wife and I came to know Holly from staying at the Carlisle Inn in Berlin. We immediately took to her, and returned to the Inn several times because of her sweet soul and kind nature. To us, Holly was the Carlisle Inn. We enjoyed Holly’s company and counted her as a lovely friend. We just learned of Holly’s passing when my wife checked Facebook after not hearing from her. We are deeply saddened by Holly’s passing, and one of God’s bright lights has now gone home. We will treasure the time we had with Holly, regret not being able to see her again, and will keep her with us in our hearts. Our prayers for Holly’s family. We hope you find comfort in darling lady that graced your lives. With deepest respect, Dan & Holly Allen, Burlington, KY. March 23, 2020.

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