Paul Weaver - Guestbook
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Melissa Poff2023-08-24 18:54:24
It’s really hard going through all your things , it just doesn’t seem right. I keep thinking about you and I see your smile. I miss you so much! I know you don’t feel pain anymore, you are walking and talking again. Your journey through life was not easy but you always stayed strong. One of the strongest people that I have ever known! I still cry almost ever day. It will be hard to see someone else living in your home. I want to thank everyone for the kind words and the memories about my brother. And thank you for taking the time to write something. It means so much to myself and my family. I love you Paul and I miss you so much!! I wish I could hug you one more time.
Melissa Poff2023-06-24 01:17:47
My brother was such a good, kind hearted and loving person. The simple things in life made him happy. He did not get to have a regular adult life, like we got to have. He fought hard for many years to live just to stay alive. He never complained he just went with what ever challenges faced him. We love him so very much and will miss him every day of our lives. He is one of the strongest people I know. I also know you are one of Gods angels now. You can walk again and talk again. You are up in Heaven with the rest of the family. We will never forget you! I love you so very much! Your big little sister,Missy!
Judy Depue2023-06-24 13:13:30
I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your brother, Melissa. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family.
Tyler Poff2023-06-24 19:15:50
My Uncle showed me that it is ok to be who you are. I love you Uncle Paul and I will miss you. I know you know what this means…..from me to you….. “ THE HERO OF TIME !”
Mary Jane Weaver2023-06-24 19:21:30
To my son, my little baby boy, my youngest. I will miss you so very very much. I do not know what I will do without you. You never complained you just lived the life you were given. I feel so lost without you. I know you are with the rest of our family. You don’t have to fight any longer it’s time to rest. You will always be my baby boy! I love you and will miss you so much.
Roman H Weaver JR2023-06-24 22:37:06
Paul, you are my brother and I am going to miss you so much. I can remember when we were younger playing with our matchbox cars. I can’t believe you are gone. I know you are at peace now, you had to fight to live and you are one of the strongest people I know. You are in Heaven with the rest of our family. I will always love you little brother.
David Thomas2023-06-27 16:19:03
We can never understand why Paul was afflicted with such a terrible and crippling disease. His fighting spirit and ability to over come such advertisity is truly a testamony to how tough Paul became through the God who strengthened him. He fought until the day he was called home. I witnessed the goodness of God through the care taking of Paul by Mary, Melissa and Roman. I am saddened for those who mourn his death but I know Paul is not sad. He has entered into eternal life free of any restrictions or burdens. He has been given a new body and is in the presence of the Almighty God. In the blink of an eye our life too shall pass. But for those who have faith in the Lord death has no sting. So I rejoice knowing Pauls Spirit is alive and well. Until we meet again my brother in Christ. Peace be with those who were blessed to know him.
Holly Gould2023-07-02 02:52:33
He was such a happy guy when he seen his sister Melissa and I was grateful to make him smile for his birthday with some star wars items!! He will be greatly missed!!
Dave Ice2023-06-26 16:31:18
I dont even know how to put in words how I feel Paul you were always there for me growing up Always help me with homework In school And Always just help me with anything I ever needed Always gave me good advice And always just listen when I had To vent And man did we have fun and laugh a lot Thanks for everything You will be deeply missed Cant wait until we meet again